When you apply for college, you need to provide proof to the schools that your level of English is sufficient to keep up with classes and be able to engage meaningfully in the community. To do so, schools require you to submit a score for one of the standardised English language tests. One of the most popular tests you can take is the IELTS test.
This English exam consists of 4 sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking, and the scores range from 1-8. Most universities require you to have a score of at least Band 7 level, though others are more lenient with an expected minimum of 6 or harsher with a required 8.
Test Structure:
There are two types of IELTS exams you can take: the IELTS Academic or the IELTS General Training. For college applications, you should complete the IELTS Academic test, making sure you know what is the lowest score you can get that will still allow you to submit the score as part of your university application.
This test will take 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete. There will be a break between the listening, reading, and writing sections, which you will complete sequentially. You might be examined on your speaking skills the same day, but your speaking slot can be in a period of 7 days before or after the other sections.
To do well in the IELTS test, you ought to know the test structure well. There is a very specific way in which the exam questions are set up. Without knowing what each question type wants to ask you or how to search for answers quickly, you might not be able to exhibit your knowledge of English to the fullest. This is why you should consider booking the test months in advance, giving yourself enough time to prepare. To check out where your closest testing center is, you can visit the official IELTS website using this link.
To prepare for IELTS, you should take as many practice tests as possible and get to know what the IELTS test constitutes to be good English. Online, there are a variety of resources that explain how the test works – how many parts of the listening section there are, what type of questions have come up on the reading before, how to make sure you do well in the speaking.
You may find some of this information on the official IELTS Website, but a simple Google Search will also give you a lot of resources – some free like Youtube Channels and others like courses or tutors paid. Once you feel prepared to take a proper exam practice, you can take the official Free Test on the IELTS website, which should give you a good indication of how well you are doing.
Struggling with IELTS Preparation
Preparing for IELTS can be incredibly frustrating, since it can often feel like your score is not actually representing your true knowledge of English. You might also find it harder to score well in the test if you have never studied in an English curriculum like the IB or A Levels. To navigate this complex task, you might find it best to consult a tutor or college counsellor.